Its International Mother Language Day!


Do you know about this? To read all about how it started, why, when, where and so on, Click here

I did not know about it either until a few weeks ago when I was fortunate enough to meet with an amazing woman that has passed the excitement on to me.

She is the CEO of The Bridge Consulting and she is preparing enthusiastically for their upcoming programme tagged 'My Identity, My Language' in commemoration of Mother Language Day right in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.

Her passion (don't worry, I am aware that I haven't given you her name), is borne from her personal experience of loosing touch with her language because of her upbringing and she is so eager to encourage others never to loose it.

15 public schools are participating to battle it out in 'kparakpo' (indigenous languages) for star prizes including scholarships and I.T gadgets.
The Obong (king) of Calabar, UNFPA Country Director, traditional council heads and loads of celebrities are going to be there! So, why not me? - I will be there too to get you pictures and more gist. It happens tomorrow (saturday 22nd Feb, 2014).
Now, about that woman - hook up tomorrow for the full disclosure!
To celebrate with the world, let's play a little solidarity move towards celebrating our God given cultures and languages.

Post in the comment your translation of the sentence
'I love my language'
in your dialect and share the name, place and country it is from.

(By the way - Today is also my mother's birthday, see why I am extra-excited? Lol)

Happy Mother Language day! 


  1. Me ma iko nkan nyin. This Ibibio dialect in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

  2. Whao! Thank you so much for helping us break the ice. Now, we know that there's a language called 'Ibibio'. Let us have some more!

  3. Mo n'ife ede mi - that is a variant of yoruba - Western Nigeria. Well done


I am so eager to hear from you and others alike who will read, please comment on!