Find Yourself Writing This.

What do you think about this picture? You are probably making up a story already about it irrespective of what was in the mind of the original photographer or even the person that arranged this lovely pets together (because I can't wrap my mind around the idea that these cuties arranged themselves up for this photograph just like that or what do you think?)... So, irrespective of the ideas of the original producers of this shot, you have your opinion and believe me, your opinion counts and that is the current, most valid story this picture can ever give.

So, I just came up with this nau... (thinks) no, not naughty... rather brilliant idea...
Why don't we build a story together? Who says you can not have tons of writers of a piece of writing, well I want to see how visible that can be, so I posted something on facebook just a few minutes ago, something that can help us build a story well crafted together and I absolutely can not lay claims to it.

Visit our facebook page by clicking here and be a part of the decisions, plots and let's have some creative fun together. When we are done, we would post it here and allow every accepted contributor to also share proudly in any format.

Meet you there!

Its International Mother Language Day!


Do you know about this? To read all about how it started, why, when, where and so on, Click here

I did not know about it either until a few weeks ago when I was fortunate enough to meet with an amazing woman that has passed the excitement on to me.

She is the CEO of The Bridge Consulting and she is preparing enthusiastically for their upcoming programme tagged 'My Identity, My Language' in commemoration of Mother Language Day right in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.

Her passion (don't worry, I am aware that I haven't given you her name), is borne from her personal experience of loosing touch with her language because of her upbringing and she is so eager to encourage others never to loose it.

15 public schools are participating to battle it out in 'kparakpo' (indigenous languages) for star prizes including scholarships and I.T gadgets.
The Obong (king) of Calabar, UNFPA Country Director, traditional council heads and loads of celebrities are going to be there! So, why not me? - I will be there too to get you pictures and more gist. It happens tomorrow (saturday 22nd Feb, 2014).
Now, about that woman - hook up tomorrow for the full disclosure!
To celebrate with the world, let's play a little solidarity move towards celebrating our God given cultures and languages.

Post in the comment your translation of the sentence
'I love my language'
in your dialect and share the name, place and country it is from.

(By the way - Today is also my mother's birthday, see why I am extra-excited? Lol)

Happy Mother Language day! 

Ready to be a true Inventor?

Like I promised, I am starting all over and will ensure that I keep it up this time.

You know the essence of Fiction Inventors is to actually invent stuff, to creatively challenge ourselves to better productivity with our imaginations and guess what? We resume back today!

We would be starting with a contest, it is free but you get an invented gift if you partake and win + a free e-book from me (chuckle) for everyone who participated win or not (its a piece of my memoir you had think is the movies but believe me, it is not- lots of lessons in it).
What is more intriguing is that readers are going to be doing a poll to pick the winner not even me.

So, if you think you are up for some fun and serious challenge - hop right in and let the world choose you!


This contest is a short comedy piece.

Go here to read and participate:
Make us laugh.


Most resolutions made at the beginning of a new year do not get achieved basically because no one is going to beat us up if we don’t achieve them anyway, (at least, that is what I think or who is going to hit  you if you end up not building that house before the year runs out?)
However, for those of us who are desperate to break the chain and really work closely with our set goals, I want to remind you that you can only make those dreams come through if you passionately go after them.
The line between resolutions and achievements is drawn by YOU and you alone gets to figure out how thick or thin it should be. It is that simple.
I had goals for this blog too and I didn’t achieve much of them last year which is wholly my fault (spank me) but I am making a resolution to be better this year and using this post as my reference point as I can not afford not to try now that I am talking 'Achievements'.
So, here is what I hope to achieve this year.
- To make this site a platform for fiction inventions that are original, creative and tasking enough to build new writers, refresh old writers and challenge the highly professional ones under the same global roof and I am making the line between this resolution and its achievement very thin, so I get to erase it out faster.
Of course, I never think that I can achieve this alone, so you are part of my New Year Resolution! 
Yeah right, you are that important! 
Watch out in a few days for the beginning of an exciting adventure!
Meanwhile while waiting, would you like to share something concerning your beliefs, wishes and hopes in 2014 for other readers to perhaps key into?
 Go ahead, share, few words won't hurt... someone is definitely going to read it and who knows, it could help someone at this crucial time, so get the keypads punched in.
See you in a few days!