Fact or Fiction - Christian Walk

What honorable things can anyone achieve on earth without God? None and that is why we also have this post to deal with real time moral and spiritual issues posed as quests considering that we have all been endowed with the ability to help ourselves with what is right or wrong

You can also suggest questions by contacting us and if you need help no matter how trivial or serious, let us know here.

However, whatever solution you offer must be preceded with FACT or FICTION as the first sentence to mean 'True' or "False' before you give your reasons, 

for example;
              Quest: It is okay to steal from my parents. 

             Your Response: 
FICTION: Exodus 20:15 says 'thou shall not steal'. It didn't specify from whom which means there are no exceptions. So, it is not okay to steal from anybody including your parents.

It is good practice here if you have a scripture or story from the bible to support your claim of Fact or Fiction but it is not compulsory as long as you can explain your reasons.

Now, are you ready to make a REAL difference? This is one way to do just that!

Quest: My family for no explainable reason all turn to incest within the house. I refused to join them and I am left alone. I act like I don't know what they are all doing (my parents, a brother and two sisters) as I am too embarrassed to even acknowledge it. So, I am just wondering, am I wrong to keep quiet about it? I absolutely don't think there is anything I can do to save them.

NOTE: Write your comment as a solution to the quest. Remember, you have to be a member to participate (It is easy, just click 'Join This Site' on your left).

When we have about 10 responses at least, we would throw a poll with the date announced well beforehand for every other person just reading including non members to vote the most widely accepted solution for the quest, so that anyone in such dilemna can know their options and what should work best for them. It is okay to tweet or share the final answers with people you know too. We are all helping to make the world a better place for us.

What?!....The answer just popped at you?  
Share with us now!


  1. Fact. By that i mean the person is wrong to keep quiet. You can not live with such evil and not get burned. I believe you should report them senior family members. Don't keep quiet

  2. Fiction. I don't think he should report to anyone. Sometimes, it is easier for us to say things we can't do. I am sure a lot would have seen this question and become too scared to answer. I was but i purposely came back because someone has to say something and now seeing Da Girl's message, well i am not judging you, i am only saying that he should not report to anyone, rather, he should just live the house.
    Ephesians 5:12 says it is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret". At the right time, they will be exposed.

  3. I am so glad to begin to get responses to this very complicated situation, however, my initial intention is not to break the flow of responses since we intend to take a poll later on the most potent advices (if i may put it that way). But I had to come in here for one reason only - two actually. First, to express my sincere gratitude to our first two commentators for daring to respond and secondly to say that if we can avoid it, we shouldn't point to whatever another said especially if we are against them. I am dreading the possibility of Da Girl trying to actually respond to Katty right now... lol. Remember, we want to voice our opinions and let the viewers judge whose is the best. Even I am not going to do judge this and that is why i will try to avoid supporting any thought line till this is over. Thanks a bunch. For others, please join the site to add your comments. Let's make this worthwhile!


I am so eager to hear from you and others alike who will read, please comment on!