Fiction Business


Everything at the Fiction Store is categorized with a healthy competitive touch we call Fiction Contest.  

An accepted member is called a Fiction Inventor i.e 'FI' and you get to participate in any of the fun stuff that catches your fancy. We also encourage you to give us more ideas and suggestions by mailing us.

BONUSES for members.

1. Here, writers don't just bring what they have, they also get to invent new imaginations based on external variables tossed at them and in that - dear reader, lies the true genius. So, enjoy access to our wealth of raw, pure and creatively invented fictions.

2. Write flash fictions of your choice and get members to review them for free. This, if well annexed can help you create the most amazing flash fictions for your personal use. Check it out under Fiction Store.

3. Freebies for Writers! Here you can free style your original works. Are you an artist? Sketch master? poem, prose or pun expert.. whatever it is.. you can share here without competition.

4. Get to participate in the 'Act It Fiction Game', it is intuitive, without prompt and definitely a story no one knows its end before the end!

5. Soonest, members can get to make honest money right here on Fiction Inventors.

6. Still counting...

IMPORTANT! Fiction contest will be decided by a poll open to all viewers of this blog. The top two genre will be used and then a new poll after the quest is over and on and on. Please go to ' FICTION CONTEST!' under Fiction Stores to make your choice from a list of 10 genres and still counting!

We would entertain 15 comments (for a start) under each quest and do polls allowing members and non members to declare FIs that win each quest.
 However, where foul play is suspected, we could override general opinion and choose a winner. 
We hope to keep evolving new concepts and perhaps get us to the point where every participating member can generate income through writing on Fiction Inventors.

All member can participate in multiple categories but only once per individual post.

Please note that all comments will be censored before displayed. 
Check 'MISSING COMMENTS' for names of rejected comments and why. This is to avoid an abuse of the intent of this blog and if you are wondering who are the 'we' of this blog? Check out 'The Team'.  

Read through and enjoy but join us to be able to feel the fun!